Worship Director
To apply send résumé and application to office@goodnewsfellowship.org
The Worship Ministry Director strives to worship God and disciple worshippers. The Director will develop worship teams and provide musical leadership at the worship service by:
Creating an inviting, worshipful space in which people can meet with God
Leading the congregation and the members of the worship ministry in growing their own relationships with the Lord through worship
Developing a team of worship leaders who rotate in giving leadership beyond “just filling in when the main worshipleader is out.”
Essential Strategic Goals
To lead Good News Fellowship in corporately worshipping Jesus Christ.
To lead a weekly practice time for the worship teams.
To lead and develop the worship team(s) and their spiritual growth.
General Duties
Institute strategies aimed towards cultivating a heart of worship in the worship teamthroughout the week, which will flow out into the church body on Sunday.
Collaborate weekly with the Lead Pastor to explore ways to best achieve GNF vision and strategy.
Work with the Lead Pastor to create a well-planned and prayerful engaging worship service.
Oversee and coordinate all musical aspects of the worship service. Also has freedom under the Lead Pastor to lead worship in creative ways outside of music if so desired.​
Lead praise band, singers, and congregation in worship at weekly Sunday morning worship service: 8-12 Sundays each quarter and coordinate volunteer worship leader schedule.
Any necessary rehearsals: likely a weekly evening practice and Sunday morning rehearsal.
Oversee the AV and sound volunteers including recruiting, training, and shepherding.
Coordinate administrative details with the Secretary such as binders, song sheets, CCLI reporting, volunteer scheduling, etc.
Recruit new vocalists and instrumentalists as needed.
Periodically review all musical equipment to make sure that they are in good working order and manage worship ministry budget. Schedule piano tuning with secretary. Plan for future music equipment needs.
Any additional duties as agreed upon by the Worship Director, Lead Pastor and elder board.
Spiritual Qualifications (Leadership Qualities 1 Timothy 3:1-7)
Demonstrate a passion for Christ and his Kingdom through personal spiritualdiscipline and public ministry.
Seek to grow in that relationship with Christ through personal spiritual discipline, education, accountability and service to his Kingdom.
Integrity: Must be above reproach.
Competency: Able to develop, lead, implement, and maintain systems that help people connect with our church and grow spiritually.
Chemistry: Able to fit in and work within a team environment and have healthy relationships and seamless fit into both the church and work ethic being teachable.
Experience: At least 1 year of leading in public worship, with a commitment of seeking to grow in that area, perhaps through further training.
Musical/Technology skills: Strong vocalist and musician. Able to learn and implement new technology.
Leadership: Ability to build and develop a team.
Vision: Creative with the ability to carry out a vision.
Other Duties/Information
The Worship Director will become a member of Good News Fellowship and engage in the missional life of the body.
The Lead Pastor will give the Worship Director an annual evaluation each year, the results of which will be communicated to the Elder Board for salaryrecommendations.
Arranging for Substitutes:
Four Sundays Vacation: The WD is given four Sundays off per year with at least two weeks’ notice, in which they need not attend worship. On these Sundays the WD is expected to schedule a worship leader substitute from the volunteer list.
Four Sunday’s rest from Worship Leading: The WD is also given four Sundays off peryear from leading worship in which they are expected to either sit in the GNF service or attend another church to learn from other worship leaders debriefing with staffthe following week.
Hours: We expect this position to be approximately 10-15 hour/week commitment.
Compensation: The pay will be monthly depending on experience