“Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Don’t let your heart be troubled or fearful." - John 14:27
Good News Fellowship Update
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
If this situation has taught us anything it is just how vital the church is. Our love for one another has been so apparent. I know how much you all long to be together in-person once again worshipping the Lord. As Hebrews 10:24 says, "Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." Though we are blessed to be able to gather online, it's just not the same. Clearly, this situation is fluid, yet, in spite of the uncertainty, we have been working on a plan based on the best available information.
Good News Fellowship Gathering Plan
Back in March, we made the decision to cancel our in-person gatherings. This was a decision that was based on the situation at that time. Of course, when that decision was made, we had no idea that it would be so long before we could meet in-person again. Since that time, the pandemic has grown in way few imagined, and restrictions on in-person gatherings have been extended several times.
On May 28, 2020, Gov. Inslee revised guidelines for religious gatherings. Thus, we believe it is time to plan a gradual, responsible and safety conscious plan for gathering together again. This will be done with government, CDC and other health professional guidelines in mind. We are overjoyed to gather again to worship the Lord. We will have an outside worship service Sunday, June 14th, at 11:00AM. Please bring your lawn chair or picnic blanket if you are able. We will make adjustments for weather as needed and will keep you updated.
We do not want anyone to feel pressured into gathering with us physically. We will continue to make our worship services available online.
Clearly, this situation is fluid, yet, in spite of the uncertainty, we have been working on a plan based on the best available information. This plan prioritizes love for our neighbors by keeping people safe (Mat. 22:39), showing proper, biblical respect for government authority (Rom 13:1), and demonstrating that we trust our Church family to make wise decisions. We would like to employ the following best practices:
General Guidance: If you suspect that you or a member of your family have symptoms, please stay home until the period has expired and/or testing has occurred. Here is a list of possible symptoms: cough, fever, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell.
Appropriate Social Distancing: We ask that you space your chairs 6 feet apart from other family units.
COVID-19 Protection: We will have a limited number of masks on-hand and will provide hand sanitizing stations throughout the building and outside. Due to current guidelines we ask that you wear a mask.
Clean & clean again: Cleaning protocols will be implemented.
Restrooms: The restrooms will be open, but because of state guidelines will be limited to two persons at a time. We will attempt to clean handles and surfaces throughout the morning.
Offering & Communion: Plates will not be passed between congregants.
Children’s Ministry: There will be no Children’s Church available for the time being. It is not fair or possible to ask preschoolers to social distance!
In Christ,
GNF Elder Team